20 Rites Of Passage That You’ll Remember Fondly If You Grew Up As A Girl In The ’60s

If you were a girl growing up in the 1960s, you experienced one of the most transformative decades in recent history. And from the toys to the fashion choices, they all defined that memorable period. So with that in mind, we’ve compiled a list that looks back at 20 things that got girls’ hearts racing at the time.

20. Wearing fur hats

Regardless of the season, hats are useful items of clothing that protect our heads from the elements. But they took on a rather distinctive look in the 1960s – especially for girls and women. Indeed, the fur hats of that era stood out for a couple of reasons.

Compared to a standard wool hat, the fur variants from that time were huge. In addition to that, each one was unique – ranging from the pillbox look to the Breton design. And if you were a ‘60s girl, there’s a decent chance that you had one of these eye-catching accessories in your wardrobe.

19. Rocking shift dresses

Alongside the fur hats, dresses in the 1960s were pretty unique, too. Thanks to their bright colors and eye-popping patterns, these intriguing garments became synonymous with the time period. However, one design in particular instantly comes to mind when discussing the trends of that era due to its incredible popularity.

Of course, we’re referring to shift dresses. After setting the fashion world alight in the 1920s, the design picked up steam again four decades later. The dresses are best-known for their novel fit, as they just hang down from the wearer’s upper body.